
Raise the Roof

Aloha! Please Lend a Hand to Raise the Roof!

Please use: www.LendaHandtoRaisetheRoof.com

To see the site and donate!

Thanks for lending a hand! Jamie


Please help us raise the roof on the barn and arena for the Center for America's First Horse

We need to raise $30,000 in less than 6 weeks for unexpected costs and delays in putting together the barn and arena ~ before their March event.

Donations are the best way to help and even $1.00 would make a difference (though $5, $10, $100, $1000, etc would help even more). Click here to donate via PayPal

If you cannot afford to give, please participate by spreading the word!

Mahalo! Jamie

Jamie Friedman (RA)  Prudential All Star Realty  direct (808) 634-2011

jamiejoy@aloha.net  www.MyKauaiProperty.com

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and more! http://www.FollowJamie.com



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